During the week, I downloaded this dataset from kaggle titled “COVID-19 and its Impact on Students”, did some visualizations and generated analysis which I’ll be writing on in today’s blog.

The dataset was centered on students in and outside Delhi-National Capital Region (NCR) which reported the impact of the covid-19 lock down on students across various factors.
The link to the dataset will be given below the write-up.
The following can be deduced from the dataset:
- There was no variation in the report for both students in and outside Delhi-NCR.
- The total number of students were 1182.
Considering students in Delhi-NCR:
- The total number of students were 721 students.
- There was a high number of students who made use of their smartphones compared to other gadgets (338 in number).
- A higher number of students spent time on fitness and students who spent more time on fitness recorded no health issue during the lock down while students who spent less time on fitness recorded health issue during the lock down.
- The time spent on Instagram compared to other social media platforms was high.
- Majority of the students rated their online class experience as very poor.

- Majority of the students listened to music as their stress buster (stress reliever).
- Students who ate higher number of meals per day had increase in their weights.
- Majority of the students found themselves more connected to their families, friends and relatives.
- Majority of the students missed school/college the most.

It can therefore be deduced from the report that:
- Most of the students were not used to online classes before the lock down which justified that most of the students missed heir school/college.
- The lock down made most of the students connected to their loved ones.
- Doing more exercise to keep fit made most of the students less prone to health issues.
- Eating more led to increase in weight.
- Instagram was the most engaged social media platform during the lock down.
- Smartphone was the most used gadget during the lock down.
Link to dataset: